Our expert teaching staff deliver exciting and challenging lessons that keep children engaged at every step of the learning journey. Pupils progress at their own pace with teaching that is tailored to their individual abilities.

We deliver classroom activities according to ability, providing opportunities for all children to achieve their potential. Our differentiated approach balances challenge to enable pupils to thrive academically. Achievement and progress are celebrated regularly with certificates, awards and dedicated celebration assemblies.

As part of The Elms assessment process, regular academic reviews take place. Our careful approach enables teachers to plan to meet the individual needs of each child. Regular target setting takes place and is reported back to parents termly or through parent consultation.

Every child benefits from additional support as required. Our teachers monitor pupil progress continually to identify and resolve any gaps in learning as they occur. When extra guidance is needed, our Learning Support Team are on hand to deliver intervention tailored to the individual’s academic and emotional needs.
0 %
of Year 6 pupils met or exceeded the expected standard in writing at the end of KS2
0.00 %
of pupils made expected or higher progress in reception
0.00 %
met or exceeded the expected standard in Maths and English
Parent Perspective
“I would absolutely recommend The Elms. The diverse range of learning and equipment available as well as the access to specialised teachers is a huge plus. You really feel that your child is valued and appreciated for being their self. If you’re looking for a school that feels like home then The Elms is the place.”
ISI Inspection Report 2021
Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary. They are keen, enthusiastic and eager to set themselves challenging personal learning goals. This is reflected in pupils’ excellent motivation to learn, their thirst for knowledge and deeper understanding.