Dr Holbrook
Boarding Housemaster
Joined Trent College: 2015
Dr Holbrook takes on many roles within the Trent College community. His time is carefully divided between the responsibilities of the Housemaster of the Blake boarding house, Head of PSHE and Officer in Command of the Army section of the school’s CCF programme.
Boarding community
Securing the Housemaster role in the boys’ Sixth Form boarding house was a dream come true for Dr Holbrook after previously being an Assistant Housemaster. A strong sense of community in the house has been developed through Dr Holbrook’s approach who likens the boarders to “blocks of malleable clay when they arrive. It is then all of our jobs to chip away each day to create a fine sculpture in the end”. Dr Holbrook is immensely proud of his boarding pupils when they leave to further their studies or start employment as professional and responsible global citizens at the end of their Sixth Form journey.
Central to school life
As part of Dr Holbrook’s role with the CCF, he attends residential overnight exercises and annual camps which he greatly enjoys. A firm favourite in Dr Holbrook’s calendar each year has been hosting the annual Sixth Form leavers’ concert ‘Strawberries’ which sees pupils, parents and teachers come together one last time to celebrate their time at Trent.
With a doctorate and masters in the field of education as well as a PGCE in Business and Economics, Dr Holbrook is ideally placed to shape the PSHE curriculum for all year groups at Trent College.