Mrs Savage
Assistant Head of Early Years and Infants
Joined The Elms: 2019
Mrs Savage, Assistant Head of Early Years and Infants, is passionate about inspiring young minds and ensuring they have the best possible start to their educational journey at The Elms.
As a knowledgeable teacher across Early Years and Key Stage 1, Mrs Savage is the lead professional overseeing all aspects of the EYFS and Infant department at the school. From supporting learning across the year groups to the implementation of national incentives that impact upon this phase of education.
As well as vast experience in the classroom, Mrs Savage is an experienced moderator of the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Drawing on her experience of conducting learning environment audits across a range of schools, Mrs Savage brings new ideas into The Elms to maximise the learning experiences of pupils.
Dedication to share her specialist knowledge and passion for Early Years education has seen Mrs Savage take on roles for Nottingham City Local Authority as a Teaching and Learning Specialist as well as delivering training to teaching staff on a range of subjects, such as phonics, communication and language, early maths, outdoor learning, transition and effective continuous provision.
Out of school hours, Mrs Savage likes to unwind with tap and ballet dance classes as well as exploring new places with her young family in their folding camper!